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🎙️You Are ONE Decision Away from Greatness | Musicians

Snowballing Your Fan Base Is Key 🔑

Pressplay Newsletter

PressPlay brings you the latest news covering the audio industry and music news all in one quick 5 minute read!

Quote Of The Day:

“Everything I do is meaningful.”

Lil Skies
Lil Skies

What Do You Think We Should Do?

So this newsletter thing is cool and all but how many of you are invested? If you are reading this it's likely that you are. All we want to do is reach artists that want to grow. If you're interested in that continue to read, if not I suggest you unsubscribe.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come at you hot there but we want to deliver high-value information to those who are serious about their craft. We scavenge the internet each week in hopes of providing you with stellar marketing information, news, and more. We appreciate our readers and want to serve you the best information we can!

I want each and every one of you to reply and let us know what we could do better to make this newsletter more valuable to you each week! Simply reply to this email and we will respond. :)

Hit Song Friday

The top performing songs released last Friday!

You Should Take That First Step As A Musician

I know this isn't like most of the hardcore informational articles that we typically provide you with but I think this is more important. What's the root of every musician's success? Easy, their drive to achieve it! Whether you have 0 total streams or 5 million, you're where you are because you deserve to be there.

It took me a little bit to formulate this concept so hear me out...😂

Let's use the image above as an example.

Act as though each block is a fan that listens to your music each and every day. The bottom block is your first fan, the top block is your latest fan. Notice how the blocks are offset and protrude outward to the right, that protrusion represents song streams. Now let's imagine this sequence continued 1000 times. That would be a lot of blocks now wouldn't it? This is the same snowball effect that your music can have!

*The bottom block is still listening as the top block just found your song.*

Think of each day that you skip marketing yourself as one less block. Now let's dive even deeper and consider how many days you decided to take off this year. In this day & age, it's almost vital that we are deploying some sort of effort when it comes to marketing ourselves every single day. The industry is only becoming more and more accessible, the competition will only increase as music becomes easier to create.

Lastly, each one of these blocks creates an algorithmic push opportunity. We live in a day and age where mass music streams are highly dependent on whether or not an artist is able to organically bring a large audience that sparks interest in the Spotify algorithm. Just think, the Spotify algorithm could be capable of getting your song millions of streams just because your initial audience showed a lot of interest. The algorithm alone could stack on more blocks than you could ever imagine!

What steps are you taking to grow today? Reply to this email, you might teach us a thing or two!

The Cheapest High-Quality Microphone On Earth

Let's assume you just started, you haven't even purchased recording equipment. You need a microphone that will give you the same quality as your favorite artists, but for cheap. This is what you're looking for!

The AKG P120 is not only cheap, but it provides the same crisp & clean recording needed for a professional-sounding track. This is the first microphone that I ever purchased and it just so happens that I still have it. Despite having a mic much more costly, I still record on this microphone from time to time, the sound is just that unique.

Artist of the week: PmBata

PmBata is probably one of the most underrated TikTokers/musicians on the planet right now. Despite only having 650,000 followers, he seems to convert extremely well on TikTok.

I know what you're thinking, 650,000 followers is insane... That is a huge audience, but compare his streams to people double his size on the TikTok platform. This is someone you should be taking notes from in terms of content creation!

Makes you wonder how he's pulling these numbers!

Who should be the featured artist next week? Submit your song here!

Freestyle Friday: Nick Grant

I'm not gonna lie, I wrote this super last minute and this video got recommended to me while I was looking for a freestyle to share and I'm not upset. In short, I found this by complete accident when I needed it the most. This s*it is ridiculously fire, if you've never clicked on one of these freestyle Friday links, this is your time to do so.

You can't tell me he doesn't kind of sound like Andre 3000

Notable Lyrics:

Life is funny, they respect who lie in their face/

Then turn around and disrespect who will die in their place/

The more gray hairs, the more you realize your mistakes/

Death is traumatizing, I'm the wide-eyed child at the wake/

Nick Grant

100% my favorite freestyle i've shared with you guys yet and I've never even heard of him until today.

PressPlay Quick Links

ACQUIRE FREE MERCH- Share PRESSPLAY with your friends.. YES, We’re saying we’ll give you free stuff and more friends if you share a link. Super easy, free stuff, let's get it! :)


Reply with a link with one of your best songs for a chance to be featured as artist of the week!

Signing off for now!

- PressPlay