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  • 🎙️ This Platform Will Blow Your Music Up

🎙️ This Platform Will Blow Your Music Up

You Could Upgrade Your Home Studio Dramatically!

Pressplay Newsletter

PressPlay brings you the latest news covering the audio industry and music news all in one quick 5 minute read!

Quote Of The Day:

“Live your life, live it right. Be different, do different things.”

Kendrick Lamar

What's Poppin?

We hope you had an amazing weekend! I'm sure you used your time efficiently and knocked out everything you've had saved up on your to-do list over the last few months. Ok fine, we didn't get s*it done either, but that's alright... Let's make up for it this week. Here's some nice Monday motivation to get you started: Monday Motivation

Also, if you're looking for an optimal way to keep yourself in check when it comes to your personal goals and objectives try out this free app!

Hit Song Friday

The top performing songs released last Friday!

What's The Best Content Style For Musicians?

So what you already know based on our prior newsletters is that I love to talk about Tik Tok, but how could you blame me? But today we are going to talk about another beast, Youtube... I realized I've been doing you guys, and myself a huge disservice by not speaking on this marketing concept.

(The first fact I want to mention: I wouldn't even consider this if you're not able to be consistent.)

So what are we referring to? As you can likely tell by the thumbnail above, I'm referring to Youtube. I've been so stuck on this concept of blowing up overnight, but how often does that even happen? What if I told you there's truly a way to grow while you're asleep?

See the issue with short-form content is the fact that it can die out just as quickly as it was posted. If Tik Tok doesn't deem the video as a good post within the first few hours, it will have basically 0 chance to reach a broader audience.

TikTok starts by testing your video with a small audience that already follows you, and then works its way to audiences that have never seen your content before. This is why your posts either pop off or do nothing within that first few hours.

But wait, I'm not telling you to quit making Tik Toks, that's not the answer. I believe in the next few years Tik Tok is basically going to be another Instagram. Visibility is only going to continue shrinking so we have to diversify. If you're not doing comedy skits or twerking it's likely that your TikTok channel will die unless you're making high-production music-related content.

Well, why would we diversify to Youtube? Youtube is amazing because it plays the long game. With Youtube, things will move much slower but over time the gain is much more valuable than Tik Tok. We also have to keep in mind the fact that Youtube videos allow the audience to connect with you on a much more personal level. The longer form content literally just allows the viewer to get to know your personality vs a 15-30 second TikTok. I believe that this next year is all about doing it all! We need to figure out how to manage our time to create some room to work on not only short content, but long-form content as well.

What steps are you taking to grow in the content creation scene? Reply to this email, you might teach us a thing or two!

Your Vocals Could Be MUCH Cleaner

So I just moved and to be honest I feel like I had to completely restart in terms of my home studio setup. I literally record each and every day so I need my vocals to be crisp and clean, but this new room is not cutting it. There's no carpet, high ceilings, and a lot of noisy walls. This made me think; what can I use to dull down this room reverb? That's when it hit me...

These vocal shields are literally the most amazing asset you could have for home vocal recording. These things are like walking around with a portable insulated studio. Understand that the less room reverb you have, the better your vocal will cut through the mix as most artists intend.

Artist of the week: Steve Lacy

If you ask me, it feels like Steve Lacy literally came out of nowhere. This guy went from a small-time name to having multiple hits out in what felt like a few months. To be completely honest I didn't really know anything about Steve until this weekend. I listened to his song "Bad Habit" one time and have been hooked ever since.

Maybe Steve was already big but I'm just now recognizing him and I definitely do not regret it. If you like Indie music mixed with an R&B singing style then this is your guy!

Who should be the featured artist next week? Submit your song here!

Freestyle Friday: Joyner Lucas

I'm just not quite sure how a human being can be blessed with such incredible wordplay... This freestyle is simply a display of an elite artist, that's all I can truly say, you just have to watch this to understand.

Funk Flex asks him to rap his freestyle and then asks him to reverse it completely. This man reversed an entire rap and made it all make sense... WTF

Notable Lyrics:

I could rap backward reverse, then rap it frontwards/

I'm a rappin' hustler, could snatch your lunch and I'm packin punches/

Selling crack to cousins, h*roin needles are acupuncture/

Till your back is ruptured, open it up like a pack of mustard/

Joyner Lucas

I could never write something like this, simply too intelligent.

PressPlay Quick Links

ACQUIRE FREE MERCH- Share PRESSPLAY with your friends.. YES, We’re saying we’ll give you free stuff and more friends if you share a link. Super easy, free stuff, let's get it! :)


Reply with a link with one of your best songs for a chance to be featured as artist of the week!

Signing off for now!

- PressPlay